We’ve all been trying to process this past week and the rate at which things are changing. This is new to us. We’ve never experienced this in our lifetime and it’s bringing up a lot of emotion in all of us.


On the one hand, it’s unsettling. There are a lot of uncertainties. How long will this last? Are we safe? Are we overreacting? It’s tough to know what to believe.


On the other hand, I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed the last two days. I’ve been at home with my kids and my husband, and we’re all just taking it easy. We’re slowing down. We’re taking care of ourselves. And we’re spending time together. Maybe the world needed this to happen.


So, we’re checking the news, and we’re talking to our network of friends and family. Trying to make sense of these changing times. And yes, we have no idea what’s going to happen from one day to the next. But isn’t that always the truth?


There are moments when fear creeps in. That’s normal. We have a choice in what we do with that fear. Fear is its own pandemic, and we must be careful. I have to be strong for my kids. If they sense fear in me, it rocks their little world. So, I choose to remain positive. I acknowledge the fear, but I don’t allow it to paralyze me. There are more productive things to do.


Now I’m trying to determine how I’m going to work and homeschool my kids at the same time. Honestly, I’m curious what’s going to come of all of this. There are a few things I know for sure: we’re being called to slow down, we’re being called to take care of our bodies and our minds, we’re being called to support each other. These are all beautiful things. Good things will come from this. This I know. 

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My sister and I were raised to find solutions to problems, to find ways to make things better. We were raised to see the good in people. So, it is in this space that we choose to remain. We’ll be sending all of you good vibes and share the ways that we’re using this time to be mindful and creative. Now is the time to be creative. It’s the creative minds that direct change, so let’s band together and be that change. Let’s turn this crisis into something beautiful: an opportunity to evolve as individuals, as a community, and as a species.


During this time, we want this space to be a forum for ideas and communication. We have ideas and insights. You have ideas and insights. Let’s get them together.

We’re working on a few follow-up blog posts with information on the following subjects – let us know if you have your own insights, and also what you’d like to learn more about:

Staying Clean and Cozy at Home

We’re going to spending more time indoors over the next couple weeks and we’ll be sharing our thoughts on keeping it safe, fun and cozy at home!

Protecting Your Immune System

As a mother and lifelong follower of natural-path practices, here’s what we’ve learned about protecting your immune system.

Community Support

How do we support each other while still limiting contact? A crash course in homeschooling. Activities and meal-planning for our suddenly school-less, camp-less, work-from-home lives. 

A final note. Rest assured you have a safe community here and we are here to help, listen and support each other! If you have any questions, thoughts or comments you’d like to share please leave them below!

Love, The Sisters

Susanna Ward1 Comment